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You can't buy extra time… don't waste what little you have left!

"Seize the day" as you only have on average of 30,000 days alive. Take away the first 20 years when you think you will live forever and the last 10 when you know you won't; and you only have 19,000 'good' days. If you are one of those people who count down to Friday, then you are left with only 3,800 'good' days left. If today was the last day of your life, look into the mirror and ask yourself "Do I want to do what I am about to do today?" If the answer is "No" every morning then get rid of the mirror or do something about it. Of your 19,000 'good' days you will spend on average 11,000 (61%) of them at work. Hope you love your boss. Everybody aims to become the CEO, only the successful ones did anything about it. Don't resent them… join them! Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die. Live another day by turning your 'good' day into 'great.' One of the first steps in the journey is clicking on the 'FIND WORK' button above and upload your resume.

Glenn Fairchild, Staffing Team (Updated August 2021)

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