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Main 5 Reasons For Leaving

Although our focus is on finding the ideal role, understanding exactly why many career decisions end in a 'resignation' rather than 'retirement' is interesting:

  1. The Manager. The reasons may vary, they do have a common thread, poor leadership and an inability to mentor and develop.
  2. Bored & Unchallenged Employees want to enjoy their job and continually learning. Afterall, full time employees spend around half their life working, getting ready for work and transporting themselves to work.
  3. Bad Fit. Whether it is the Y Generation convinced the company doesn't deserve them or an employer abandoning any effort to be an 'employer of choice' something just doesn't feel right with the job.
  4. Lack of Mutual Loyalty. Commitment goes both ways and requires a real sense of investment and trust from employers to assume employees will stay, in order to secure and attract long term loyalty. Whether it be investment in training or career planning, you will stay in a job much longer if you see a commitment by your employer to keep you... and grow you!
  5. Salary & Benefits. Yes, you need might be attracted by a competitive salary and professional working environment. Surprising to most however is how far this is down the list as a reason for resigning.

Sources (Updated September 2020):

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